Before any discussion of the data presented in Table 1, the reader
should be reminded of certain caveats concerning the unexposed comparison populations used in these studies. These populations consisted of a group of
unexposed people of Rongelap (established in 1958) that has varied in number
from 150 to 200, who have been examined regularly, and additional groups of
unexposed people from the atolls of Rongelap, Utirik, Likiep, and Wotje added
during the past ten years. The latter groups contain many children who were

not included in the present analysis, but were used in determining an all-age

prevalence of thyroid abnormalities (see Appendix I).
As pointed out in Appendix I, it is unlikely that the low doses from residual radiation that some of these people in the comparison groups received

would produce any detectable thyroidal effects.

Of the unexposed populations,

the best comparison group is that established in 1958, when individuals were

matched for age and sex.
Unfortunately this group has suffered attrition over
the years, and adequate matching of new persons to replace those missing has ©
not been possible.
The more recent thyroid comparison groups have had fewer
examinations (some only one) and encompass only segments of the island popu-


In addition, an element of possible bias in this group is that some

people may have presented themselves for examination because of a suspected

thyroid problem.

This would tend artefactually to increase the incidence of

thyroid disease in the control groups.
An opposite bias may occur because
most of the established control groups were examined many times over a long

period as compared with the added control groups so that the fractional incidence of thyroid disease in the exposed population shown in Table 1, even
after correction, may be too high.
Table 2 compares the prevalance of thyroid nodules in the two control
groups and in the combined groups.
Individual island listings for prevalance
of thyroid nodules can be found in Appendix I. The data in Table 2 indicate

no significant difference between findings in the two comparison groups;

therefore, the data from the two groups combined were used in the calculations

culations for Table 1.


the caveats referred to above should be

kept in mind in interpreting the prevalence and risk calculations.
Table 1 shows a considerably greater prevalence of thyroid abnormalities
(total and malignant nodules and hypofunction) in the exposed RongelapAilingnae groups than in the Utirik and age-matched comparison populations,
particularly in the youngest Rongelap age group.* The Utirik group shows a

slightly greater prevalence of thyroid abnormalities than does the comparison
population, but the youngest Utirik age group appears to be comparatively less
affected than the corresponding young Rongelap group.

Table 3 shows that the observed versus expected ratios are greater for
the Rongelap-Ailingnae group than for the Utirik group on the basis of prevalence in the unexposed Marshallese.

*Prevalence and risks for benign nodules are not presented in Table 1 since
> of 46 nodule cases in the exposed and 15 of 35 nodules in the unexposed

(age~matched) groups did not have surgery.
(See Table 1, Appendix IV.)
Carcinoma prevalence is presented with the realization that values possibly

represent an underestimate of prevalence in view of the unoperated cases.

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Select target paragraph3