The accompanying table lists the individuals, with their affiliations,
who have so generously given of their time and talents to participate in medical surveys in the Marshall Islands over the past six years. Without their
dedicated efforts,

ful to all of them.

the surveys could not have succeeded, and we are most grate~

The senior author would like first
ple who have assisted in the preparation
involved in some of the special studies.
port, Dr. Donald Paglia was most helpful
ing Sections I, II, and parts of III and

to express his gratitude to many peoof this report or who were actively
In the writing and editing of the reand is largely responsible for writ~
At this Laboratory, Drs. E. P.

Cronkite and V. P. Bend have provided valuable advice and support.

The assis-

tance of Ms. Margaret Dienes in editing and collating the report, the secretar~
ial assistance of Ms. Bernice Armstrong and Ms. G. Callister, the typing and
editing assistance of Ms. Denise G. Warren, and the technical assistance of
Messrs. William Scott and Peter Heotis and Ms. Veena Naidu are gratefully
The people who assisted with or wrote sections of the report are men-

tioned in the appropriate places.

In addition, numerous other individuals and

Many organizations have given tremendous support to the program over the

years, and without their help the program could never have succeeded.
It will
be possible to list only some of these people who have contributed during the

past six years.
As noted earlier, when the senior author retired in 1979, Dr.
Hugh S. Pratt became program chief until he resigned in the summer of 1980.

We are indebted to him for his contributions, including improvement of examination protocol, initiation of data processing, and other improvements in the
Dr. Pratt was succeeded by Dr. Eugene P. Cronkite, the present pro-

gram director, who has been involved with the program since its inception and

during his tenure as Chairman of the Medical Department always strongly sup-

ported the program and provided able advice.

We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of a number of Brookhaven physi-

clans who have

served as



in the Marshall


including Drs. Konrad Krotrady, William Grant, Knud D. Knudsen, and Roger S.
Dr. and Mrs. Knudsen were in the islands for two tours, and their
dedication to the program and assistance are greatly appreciated.
Mr. Peter
Heotis and Ms. Jenuk Kabua, a Marshallese nurse, have provided great assis-

tance in the Marshall Islands for the resident physicians. At BNL we would
like to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Mr. William Scott in administration, organization, and logistic planning for the surveys. Also, Ms. Veena

Naidu and Ms. Susan Wynn have been most helpful to the program directors.
continued support of many others at this Laboratory is gratefully acknowledged:
in the Medical Department, Drs. D. C. Borg (Chairman), R. B. Aronson
(Deputy Chairman), and others including Drs. H. L. Atkins, L. V. Hankes, R. D.
Stoner, J. Iwai, and P. Chandra and Mr. K. P. Mohring (Department Administrator).
Among others at BNL, we are most grateful to Dr. V. P. Bond for his support and advice and for the support and assistance of Dr. G. Vineyard, Director,

and Messrs.

and many others.













We are particularly grateful to Dr. J. R. Naidu for his

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