!n shore,

In the Department of the
Government cannot use dit
people of Bikin{ tnan the

criteria exposure standar
we apply the same radiatt
then the Department of Er
take place for 20-25 year

this was cone.

Crucial, however, was th
the Enewetak program was
Agency recommended that
criterfa exposure tn half

In the May 15, 1979, rep
unequivocebly that unless
of the diet of the Eneu ¢
residence 18 restricted t
effectively controlled,
restricted, radiation do
be In comolfance with cu
This wou'd de tne current
to indivicua's. There {¢
tates Government can ens
of Eneu stand can be gu

meet the United States’

replied to my letter of £
a cefinitive statement on
an absolute necessity in

On May 15, 1979, Assistar|

Dear Mr. Winkel:

Sa'fpan, Mariana Islands %

Trust Territory of the
Pactfic Islands

High Comntssfoner

Honorable Adrian P, Winke



United State

Select target paragraph3