
The DOE ifarshall [Islands program, responsibility for wnich currently rests
with DP, is in need of Secretary level review and policy guidance. The
matter addressed in this paper is but one facet of a DOE responsibility
which is currently undergoing dramatic change.
The entire Marshall Islands program, small in dollar value but high in
current visibility and political potential, is a legacy of the atmospheric
nuclear test program in the Pacific (1946-1958). The committees most
familiar with and most active in this Pacific area evidence their
determination that the United States Government continue an active role in
dealing with the environmental, medical, and radiological consequences of
the test program.
On the other hand, the committees to which DP looks for authorization and

appropriations have questioned continued funding for this program by DP.
Taken literally, the Compact of Free Association, which is current
Administration policy, would terminate DOE involvement. However, without a
reasonable transition to smooth the transfer of responsibility, the likely
result would be an abrupt diminution of technical services and support to
the test-affected populations.
An early program review for the Secretary is recommended.

Select target paragraph3