Flight #3 (H/24 to H436 hours): This flight will

attempt to determine the extent of drift of other
major segments of the atomic cloud as practicable
and as required by existing meteorological in-


Areas and altitude of search are to

be specified later and will be contingent upon

the above influences and the results of flight
#1 and #2. Specific instructions for this mission
will be forwarded by CJTF SEVEN to CTG 7.4, ATIN:
Commander, Test Services Unit, not later than
eight (8) hours prior to scheduled aircraft takeoff.


Flight #4 (H436 to HAS hours): The necessity

for scheduling this flight will be determined

by CITF SEVEN on the basis of the result of
Flights #1, #2, #3, and other sources,

Mission instructions from CJTF SEVEN will be routed
through normal command and communications chan~

nels. However, to insure that advance details
get to TG 7.4 sufficiently in advance of the missions, informal mission instructions will be transmitted through USS ESTES Weather Central Eniwetok Weather Station RATT channels by mission

take-off time minus eight (8) hours for each



The basic requirement for cloud tracking flights

is to provide data of sufficient accuracy to

support conclusions and decisions relating to

health hazards, and to confirm dr modify forecast cloud segment drift. In general, the missions

are to be flown on the tracks specified with max~
imum emphasis on complete coverage of the designated areas. It is not anticipated that in flight
analysis of the overall situation will be necessary,

except that tracking aircraft crews should re-

cognize cloud boundaries and leading edges.
Deviations from the prescribed track and reporting
positions should be made only in the event of
entry into highly contaminated areas. For cloud

tracking mission, turn-out will be executed when
intensities of 3.0 r/hr are approached. Following
such turn-out, appropriate in-flight adjustment
of track should be made by the aircraft commander

in the interest of maximum coverage of the desig-

nated area, The rad/safe monitor will exercise
discretion en turn-out-from contaminated areas,

carefully corsidering crew personnel dosages and
the anticipated length of flight through the
radiation field. Since precise measurements are
not required, suitable RADIAC equipment and reporting codes have accordingly been specified
Fach flight will have on board sufficient instru-

ments of the following tynvs to insure reasonable

expectation of proper functioning of at least one

yr P

eh} of each type:


Mx-5 or any equivalent military instrument

such as the AN/PDR-27, capable of direct
reading in milliroentgens per hour.



Select target paragraph3