
Position one (1) - Actual take-off time of aircraft,

(2) Position two (2) - Actual time CIC established and
accepts control from 40C,

(Approximately 90 miles out)


Position three (3) ~ Actual time aircraft arrives at


Position four (4) - Actual time aircraft departs misgion


Position five (5) - Actual time /OC establishes and


Pogition six (6) = Actual time aircraft lands,

assigned mission station.

accepts control from CIC.

6, Plotting will be the responsibility of the controller through
his assigned teller. Aircraft will be plotted from positions two (2), to

three (3) and positions four (4) to five (5) with three arrows with the

lead arrow designating the last position of the aircraft. The time will
be plotted in minutes below each arrow with the letter designating the

aircraft call sign (-------+8l....- ), While aircraft are
at position three (3)(on mission station) one (1) arrow will be used to

reduce congested plotting on the operation board. Plots will be displayed on each aircraft at a maximum interval of three minutes.

f, Aircraft in emergency and the assisting aircraft or ships
will be plotted with three arrows at an interval not to exceed one (1)
Minute to maintain an accurate position, direction and time. Emergencies
will take priority over other aircraft plots to maintain an up to the
minute display.
g. Controllers will be thoroughly familior with specific aircraft flight procedures, Annex C through M, and O through Q; H-hour aircraft position and flight patterns, Annex D; Communications, Annex 5;
and SAR Plan Annex F,

Scope Controller Assignment:


Controller #1:

Scope #1, Observer aircraft, call sign:

Controller #2:

Scope #2, C-54 Photo Airereft, call .

Viking 1,2,3.énd ete,
sign: Pewter 2,
call sign:


Controller #3:


Controller #4: Scope #4, B-36 Effects aircreft, call
sign: Elaine 1. Post H-Hour assist controller #5,


Controller #5: Seope #5, RB-36 Control, call sign:
Cassidy, Si-16 Search and Rescue, call Sign: Stable


1L& 2,

Fe84 Sampler Aircraft, call sign: Tiger Red,

Floyd 1 and 2,


Scope #3, C-54 Photo aircraft, cal?

Pewter 3 and SAC B-50's IBDA aircraft, call
Hardtime 1,2 & 3.

White and Blue.


Post H-Hour, WB-29 Weather aircraft,

Wilson 1,

B=-36 Sampler aircraft, call sign:

Select target paragraph3