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That when the councils were ready to discuss the Community.

project they should notify the District Administrator.
would in turn notify the High Commissioner's Office who
would see that the necessary support personnel are provided.

The Assistant Attorney General informs me that both on Rongelap and Utirik the
councils wanted some time with which to discuss

the Community purpose

payment with the people before asking for assistance.

Additionally, the

councils have each asked that the moneys, when received by the High

Commissioner, be deposited in an interest bearing account in the name of
the people of the individual atolls.

With regard to the people of Bikini,

it seems premature at


time to

consider any community project in view of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Programs now being proposed. “You have mentioned that an interpretation
could be made so that the $100,000 could be used for a community project
on Kili Island.
I will meet with the Bikini council to discuss this

Upon his return to Saipan, I spoke at length with the Assistant Attorney
General who made the preliminary survey in the Marshall Islands.
He is
of the opinion that due to difficulties found within the language of the
act, we cannot properly administer payment until we receive clarification
or the act is amended.
In order of their importance I submit ta you che



Subsection (c)



of the act

provides as follows:

"A payment made under the provisions of this sect.ton
shall be in full settlement and discharge of all


The Attorney General's Office has advised me that any claimant receiving
payment under the terms of the act, even if he did not sign a release
form, would be releasing the Government as the act itself provides a
release by operation of law.
Thus, for example, if a Utirikese claimant

me ghee time te

claims against the United States arising out of
the thermonuclear detonation on March 1, 1954."












from,making claim for compensation if he should become ill as a result
of the exposure.
Great concern was expressed by the possible recipients
in that they did not want to jeopardize possible fucure payments by
accepting nominal payments at this time.


received a $1,000 payment for being exposed, he would later be precluded

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Select target paragraph3