
Just a minute, we are going to find out.

problem is.


I see what the

The doses are calculated for two different diets because there

is uncertainty in the diets.

So we calculated doses for both the Ujelang

survey and for the BNL survey as far as diet.

Now depending on which diet

you use they are either the same or Mejit comes out a little less,
depending upon which diet you use.



And you said which, the Ujelang diet?


The Ujelang diet and the BNL diet, the Brookhaven diet.

are two different diets we used.

I/e calculated

using both diets because of the uncertainty

the doses for each atoll

in diets.

turns out that Mejit would be a little bit less.

So there

Now in one diet it

In the other diet they

are very, very close, the same as shows up in... It turns out that paper
there was made up from the diet where they turn out to be very similar.

Do you understand?


They see it as obviously higher.

100 is higher than 75.


what they’re. ..


Okay, that’s right based upon the Brookhaven diet.

Okay, and if

you use the other diet, that is why I said I was looking at the other diet
and there Mejit would be predicted to be somewhat lower.

So it is just a

matter of... (Changed tape)




I wonder why a single diet wasn’t used in your calculations

rather than two.

And we happen to have seen some of the Brookhaven data

which seemed to be short on, for instance, on the amount of coconut liquid
drunk, consumed.
rather inaccurate.

They predicted to say half a coconut a day and that’s

Select target paragraph3