
I think the answer, an answer to that question is, yes, a study could
Our data and amount of information that we would have about those

be done.

earlier days would not be nearly as complete as what we have now from the
1978 time.


some estimate could be made.

That estimate still

would only be able to indicate the likelihood that, of those people who
have died of radiation relateable diseases, some number might be
attributable to the radiation.


I feel that this whole book is affecting or applicable to the

coming generation, the young children, because in the next 30 years my age
group and older will be gone.

So this isn’t really a report for us, it is

maybe a report for them rather than us.

And, also, that I detect that the

results of the information in this book is reporting a time that has much
less damaging effects, in fact, it almost looks rather clean in comparison
to the number of years which are not included in this book.

And, so from

my point of view, I don’t know that this is..., I would much prefer a book
that gave the entire picture rather than half the picture and the better
half at that.

In fact I hesitate to go forward and say much about this



Well, I would just like to say again, the purpose of this book, that

purpose was to provide a basis for informed decisions about future actions.
That’s the sole purpose of the survey, to determine whether there should be
recommendations made for future actions that would protect people in the
event that we found radiation levels that were of concern.

That was the

commitment that we made some time ago, for this particular purpose.
is not the whole story, you are absolutely right.
reports published that deal with the past.


(and) There are many

Those are available and as I

have said earlier, if there are specific questions I am sure that we would
be willing to help with converting those, translating those, into your
language so that they are understandable.

It was to guide future actions.


That wasn’t the purpose of this

Select target paragraph3