


Is there more radiation in a place that has more bombs tested than a

place that has fewer bombs?

I suppose it compares between Nagasaki and

Bikini or whatever?


Yes, as a general statement that is correct, yes.

(Oscar deBrum

comments to the Marshallese

What time tomorrow do you want to meet?

Oscar deBrum:


not translated. )

We are at your disposal,

Male Person:


6:30 or 7:00 a.m.?

Seriously is 9:00 all right or 8:00?

we can be here.
10:00, all right?

If you can be here in time

I doubt if all of you will be here.

How about 9:00 or

Okay, fine, they will be ready with some questions, and

I hope you will have enough time to answer any questions that we have.


We are at your disposal.



Can you stay until Monday?

These people here represent various islands and atolls and they

have to go back and explain to their people what you have explained to

With their memory only.

And I am asking if we may have the

privilege of making a copy of your tape recording since we were not
prepared to record this conversation,

so that the representatives would

have the benefit of this fine presentation as made by Alice to assist them.


Most assuredly.


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