410073 TRANSCRIPTION (IF MEETING BETWEEN DOE REPRESENTATIVE AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS AT MAJURO DECEMBER 8 AND 9, 1982 0 The purpose of the meeting was to present to and discuss with the governmerit”officials of the Rep~blic of the Marshall Islands, two publications: “The Meaning of Radiation for Those Atolls in the Northern Part of the Marshall Islands That Were Surveyed in 1978” and “The Northern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey: Terrestrial Food Chain and Total Doses.” Those present were: Senator Ishmael John Senator Calep Rantak Senator Ataji Baloo Senator Donald Matthew Minister Jeton Anjain Minister Tom Kijiner Senator Tokwa Tomeing Senator Katip Mack Mayor Jabwe Jorju Major Necheld Leem Mayor Elden Juda Senator Report Emmius Mayor Aneo Keju. Senator Mwejor Mathusala Oscar deBrum Phil Muller Suzanne Cowan Enewetak Ujae Kwajalein Utrik Rongelap Likiep Wotje Arno Rongelap Ailuk Utrik Mej it Mej it Wotho RepMar RepMar RepMar DOE: Mr. Roger Ray Dr. William Robison Dr. Tommy McCraw Mr. Harry Brown Dr. William Bair Mrs. Alice Buck Mr. Reynold deBrum The following is an unedited verbatim transcription of the English language portion of a recording made of the two-day meeting. Since it was not possible.to identify with certainty all of the Marshallese speakers, they ,,are identified in most cases as “Marshallese.” From their translated ..‘,. ,.comments it is frequently possible to identify the atoll they represent and ...for,.many of these it might be possible to identify the speaker. The translator, Mrs. Alice Buck, is identified in the transcript as the speaker only when she spoke for herself. Conversations and discussions among the English speaking participants that were not translated into Marshallese are given in parenthesis. A few words are left blank in the transcript because they were not recognizable to us. The addition of these and the identity