The GEIDA proposes starting an airline to Christmas Island

with weekly service from Honolulu.

‘There are two air strips

in very good condition on the island, but airport facilities
need to be brought into better condition, and a refueling capa-

bility needs to be established.

A hotel is to be built in the midst of the old Main Camp for
Sports fishermen.
TRW is to construct a satellite tracking station on the island

for the Japanese, who plan to launch satellites soon (why, I

either did not find out or do not remember).
Land for this use
and support labor will be another source of income.
With all this, the island is much changed from what we remember

from 1962.

The villages, which were then constructed out of

native materials, have been rebuilt using western materials,
and - as indicated above - a third, new village now exists.
Roads are in good shape, except that the Scaevola has not been
trimmed back from the sides of the road and is growing out over


The brine shrimp project has had a new building built,

"Artemia House," at the intersection of the main road (A-1)
with the SPAL road (the one over to Poland).
Buildings, vehicles,
and supplies left by the two military establishments are in pitiful condition.
We were told that when the maintenance contract
expired, the local people cannibalized the buildings for such
things as roof sheeting, not taking all the sheets from one
building before moving to the next, but taking a sheet here and

a sheet there, letting in the weather to destroy whatever contents
there were in them.

there on back roads.

Vehicles sit abandoned and rusted here and

The flooring from the British Port Camp

was taken up to make boxes out of.
Children vandalized spare
parts left in tropical wrappings. A stone chapel at Port Camp,
a beautiful building in a beautiful setting, was broken up for

supplies to build a new "maniaba" (a Gilbertese meeting place
that looks like a roof on pillars over a concrete slab), which

however is beautiful in its own right.

We three spent most of our time actually taking samples for the
radiological survey, getting vegetation, fish, crabs, and
langusta to take back frozen to the Seattle laboratory for analysis.
Direct gamma measurements made with a survey meter showed, as
expected, nothing above background, and the background is much
lower than here in New Mexico. After the analyses, a report
on the subject will be prepared, and sent among other places to


All in all, the island looks good and looks fertile.
tion is profitable and well cared for.

The planta-

Although uninhabited

Select target paragraph3