Criteria Against Which Survey Findings and Alternative Measures Will Be
The Task Greup approacned the question of radtation dese criteria fren
two directions.

First, FRC, ICRP, and NCRP recommendations reviewed

above were judged us te applisability in chis situation.

Second, a risk

approach was reviewed using information from ICRP, UNSCEAR, and the


The results of ¢! ris latter

National Academy of Science BEIR Committee.

effort are summarized in Part # which follows.

The radiological survey of Enewetak Atoll provides a comprehensive data
base needed to derive recommendations relative to the radiologically safe
return of the Enewetak people.

These recommendations are to be based on

an evaluation of the significance of all radioactivity on the Atoll in
‘terms of the total exposure to be expected in the returning population,
and on consideration of those reasonable actions and constraints which,
where made, will result in mininum exposures.

The guidelines used in deriving these recormendations can be summarized
as two interdependent considerations:

Expected exposures should be minimized and should fall in a range

consistent with guidance put forward by the Federal Radiation Council
(FRC) .


Actions taken to reduce exposures should be those which show promise
of significant exposure reduction when weished against total expected
exposures and the "costs" of the actions.

"Costs," in this context,

are measured primarily in terms of costs to the Enewetak people as
constraints on their activities or as dollar costs for cleanup or
remedial action.


Select target paragraph3