
Any areas or locations were soil concentrations of 232>5 are greater
than 400 pCi/- should receive corrective action with contaminated
soil removed for disposal.
Situations with soil levels in the 40 to 400 pCi/g range may receive
cocrective altioa vith #acu area or Location evaluated on a case by
case basis.


following guidance is provided for this evaluation:


Islands with soil levels in the above range may be divided into two
categories, those of sufficient size for construction of permanent
houses, and those that are not,
Removal of 739Py contaminated soil is Detter justified within tue
ranze apove for the larger islands such as JXJET or SALLY where

permanent housing may someday be located and for near surface
locations on the larger islands.


The smaller islands may be considered of less concern.

Oey ae EbAtae
Their leseters

outlook is uncertain since they are sometines increasing in size and

sometines erroding avay.

Small islands may be washed over by stora

Waves and are not a safe site for permanent housing.

From that

viewpoint, they are in the sane category as unnaned sandbars along

the reef where other islands may have disappeared or be forminc,
The amount of effort that properly may be eiven to soil renoval in
this rance increases as the soil concentration increases,



action is teste taken, the objective ts to achieve

a substantial reduction fn plutonium soil concentrations, and further,

to reduce concentrations to the lowest practicable level, not to

reduce them to some prescribed numerical value.


Select target paragraph3