Howard J. Peyton





We also met Dr. Weems, an American doctor who is on contract with

the Trust Territory at the Majuro Hospital. On November 3, we met
with Oscar DeBrum, the District Administrator, for the Marshall
Island district. The survey requirements were discussed with Oscar

and arrangements made for the charter of the Trust Territory ship,

the Militobi, for use by the medical team to go to Rongelap and
Utirik. The vessel will be at Kwajalein on March 9 to start load-

ing. Charges for the AEC use of the Militobi will be billed to the


AEC by the T.T. In connection with the use of any air transportation,
Oscar suggested that the AEC make their own arrangements with the

Air Services, rather than going through the T.T. We agreed to this.
The next item of discussion with Oscar was the payment to the Utirik
people of the money that had been transferred from the AEC to the
Trust Territory. We found out the $16,000 was still on Saipan, and
we agreed with Oscar that arrangements should be made for the money

to be transferred to Majuro. This would allow that immediate payment
could then be made to the Utirik people when the distribution was
agreed upon. Oscar called in a Mr. Charles Dominick who is Congressman for the Marshall Island northern district to the Congress of

Micronesia. Mr. Dominick tepresents the Utirik people and he stated

the distribution of money to the people had not been made because
the method and amount of distribution was not settled. According to
Dominick, the Utirik people were concerned about the total amount.

He said that he had contacted two attorneys to review the Utirik case
and before distribution could be made it would have to be in agree-

ment with he and his attorneys and the Utirik people. It appears
Dominick and the two attorneys will review the Utirik case to see if

the amount is acceptable or if the case should be pursued further to
attempt to get additional compensation.

That afternoonn we again met with Dr. Treigor Ishoda regarding the
Senior Medical Aide, Joe Saul, who was hired for the purpose of

being Dr. Conard's representative for the exposed people and to

assure that they were keeping to their thyroid medication schedule.

Dr. Conard reiterated to Treigor and Joe Saul the importance of
these people to regularly take the medicine.

With respect to the

four patients to go to Tripler, Treigor was given their names for
the purpose of making travel arrangements,

they are:_


female, now living on Ebeye;
» female, living on Ebeye;
» female, Living on Rongelap;
_, female, living
‘on Utirik. The patients will be accompanied by Nelson Zebeta, as
the interpreter. Dr. Conard has requested that I be in Honolulu
‘to meet the patients and arrange their admittance into Tripler.
Arrangements were also made with Treigor for use of an area at the

hospital for Dr. Conard and his associates to conduct the Majuro




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