






As a besis for later neesurenent of the lingering radicauctivity
resulting from these operations, a background survey was made of nsturally
occurring radioactivity in soils and plants throughout the entire test
area. At the sites of the underground and surface shots, analysis of soil
samples taken by the Beltsville Soil Laboratory at various depths down to

22 feet disclosed ebout 10 times the concentration of calcium, sodium, and
potassium normally found in arable soils.
Planning therefore included the

expectation that induced radioactivity resulting from neutron cepture by
these elements would be greater than in other soils.

Exposure of test personnel.
<A total integrated gamma dose of 3.9
roentgens over any period of 13 consecutive weeks which included the test

period was established for BUSTER-JANGLE test personnel.

This level was

based on the established standard of 0.3 roentgens per week for AEC pro-

ject personnel.
Only an emergency was considered justification for deliberate exposure beyond 3.9 roentgens. This level was exceeded in the
cases of only two persons, the highest exposure being 5.0 roentgens.


Monitoring activities within 200 miles. The Test Director's radiation safety unit was assisted by monitors from the Armed Forces, the
Public Health Service, the Federal Civil Defense Administration, end several AEC laboratories; in addition, seven staff members and AEC fellows in
radiological physics from the University of Rochester assisted in evalu-

ating dust phenomena during JANGLE.
Eight mobile teams covered the erea
within a 200-rtile radius and others were essigned to nearby ccmmunities.

le md

As expected, radiation levels in populeted a areas during BUSTER rerely

attained values in excess of one-tenth millirce ntgen per hour, cr edout
five times netural background.
In e few instances levels up to ebout 10
milliroentgers per hour were observed which Geceyed to negligible vilues

within a day or two. Precise timing of the JANGLE detonations in relation
to weather conditions resulted in fell-out on populated areas mot significantly different from BUSTER. For both series, the cumulistive expcsure
which residerzs received fell fer short of the level egreed upon 2s the
Signal for carrying out evacuation plans.
Naticz-wide monitoring activities.

The New York Cperations Grfice

coordinated te procedures to measure the radicactivity resulting from the
BUSTER-JANGLE series in the etmosphere, rain, and snow througnout tne
United States.
This c?fice earlier in the year hed supervised ea sampling teitwork

to measure rezioactive fell-out in this country resulting from Creretion
GREENHOUSE et Eniwetok.
Kadioactivity nea beer measured et many places

throughout the United

States with the help of AEC laborateries enc ccn-

tractors and the Netional Association cf Fhotcgraphic Manufacturers.


hignest level cf fell-out recorded was et Rochester, New York, where on

oné aay the ~2ximur ectivity was 5 x ic-t° curies per scusre Fost ana of

no hezeré to nee2lth.









For the BUSTHR-JANGLE tests, the New York Cperaeticns Cilice Tur-

niched cemplezts equipment to 50 Vesther Eureau stations, each cf erick

Select target paragraph3