137c~ 13711

Burden llistor>~
C!,rvesfor Fomer


A statistical analysis, based on the demonstrated variance of the
whole body count results and sample size, indicates a 90-95% confidence
level applies to the estimated true value for the mean body burden for
adult and youth population groups. A non-equilibrium betw@n 137CS in
the environment and 137CS in persons was maintained throughout the
residence period on Bikini Island. The increasing burden has been
attributed tothe increasing availability of loca].lygrown dietary
items containing 137Cs in particular coconut. In the Sprin8 of 1977,
approximate].y52 of che adult male body,,
burdens exceeded the International
Committee on Radiation Protection’s recommended limit for the.Seneral
public (3 pCi). In April 1978, approxi.matcly9% of the adult female
body burdens and 30% of the adult male body burdens exceeded the ICRP



Select target paragraph3