West Coast Pish Monitoring
The U.S. Food ard Drug Administration in April tegan a routine
spot-checkirg of all species of fish ceught in the Pacific to check for
the presence of radioactivity.

The need for the monitoring progres was

discussed by representatives of the State Departrent, the Food and Drug

Administration, the Japenese Embessy, and the Commission.

FDA represent-

atives stated that the monitoring program falls within their statutory
responsibility to determine that all imported foods are fit for human consumption.

The Japanese representatives contended that the Japenese people

might be disturbed to learn that similer precautions were not being taken
for their protection.

No redioactivity has been detected in fish since

FDA monitoring began,
Committee or Respiratory Protective Equipment
Steps were tazxen in April to investigete the edesuscy of respiratory protective equiprent used in atoric energy plants.

A cocmiites was

esteblisted to study the problem and to suggest improvezrents in equipctent.
Merbers of the committee are AEC contractor personnel.
Premature Aging and Life Shortening
Studies were continued to determine how radiation contributes to
premature aging and life shortening in anirals and humans.

These studies

may reveal the biological mecranisms involved and the relative effectiveness of large single exposures es opposed to continuous or repested small
doses.~ Mich information has been accucclated for analysis end Purther


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Part VII

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