Therefore, Mr. Neas, Dr. Macdoneld and I met with the people for en hour or
60 that afternoon.

Many of the seme types of questions ceme up that have

come up in the past regarding their present health status, ete. ‘They were
particularly curious as to why the AEC medical team had joined forces with
the Trust Territory medical group and wented to know if this was an indica-‘
tion that they were well and required no further study. It was explained
to them that since the Trust Territory doctors were their usual doctors, it

was thought better to combine forces for the annual examinations and this
d not mean that further examinations were unnecessary. The subject of the

conut crabs was reintroduced and I essured them that we were exanining
these crabs at intervals and as soon as they were safe for eating, we would
let them know.
This continued restriction on the crabs seems to irk them noend. There were only one or two people, chief of whom was M0 the bealth
aide, who seemed to be against being exemined. (He later agreed to be


The rest of that afternoon was spent in setting up the laboratory end
organizing the school building for the physical examinations. The next day

being Sundey, the exeminations vere not started until Monday.
On )Dnday
morning the people flocked in in greater numbers than we could hexdle and
their attitude was entirely friendly and cooperative.
There were only one

or two at most who would not cooperate.

We carried out the bematological

exeninations which included WBC done on the electronic Coulter counter, and
snears were taken and stained for differentials, besophil counts ani alkaline

phosphatase determinations.

A brief history was taken by Dr. Por: saa

Drs. Macdoneld, Isaac end myself carried out brief physicel exexinstions on
ell the exposed people.
A limited mucber of urines were collects’ for railochemical enalysis.
There were no ceses of cencer, leukemia or exy other

- significant findings on exemination of the exposed people, nor were there
any elevated white counts which were significant..

~ appeared to me that the attitude of the people was, if anything, better
this year.
There seemed to be some vague knowledge on the part of the

people of a possible suit against our government end this was mentioned in
the meeting referred to.

However, they did not seem to have eny specific

facts in this regard and indeed appeared to be very 111 informed ebout any
details of the suit.



Mr. Neas met with the people on several occesions and inspected their
agricultural progress. He was pleasantly surprised at how much bed ectusally

deen accomplished and seemed to feel that the attitude of the people was
much better then he had expected.

We setled for Kwajalein the evening of the 2kth, stopping by Lae Atoll en
route and arriving at Kvajalein on Ssturday morning the 26th.

We ceugit

following night.

Th conclusion it appeared to me that the survey as carried out with the ~

Trust Territory this year was highly successful and from the point of view



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