Associated Universities, Inc.
Upton, L.I., N.Y.


Dr. Charles L. Donheam, Director
Division of Biology and Medicine
Atomic Energy Commission
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Chuck: ; -

I would like to briefly summarize for you some of the highlights of the
recent survey. Everything really went very smoothly and I was quite pleas 4

at the fine spirit of cooperation shown by the Trust Territory officials.

Bill Scott (medical technician from Brookhaven) and Iarrived at Kvajelein

March 9th. Dr. Ezra Riklon, the practitioner at Fbeye, had rounded up
about ten Fongelep people now residing there for examination. Drs. Fennel
and Shippey, in charge of the Kwajalein Hospital, were most cooperative
and allowed us to use their facilities for the exeminations.

They were als

kind enough to Ioan us several items which we needed for use at Fongelap.

Mr. Willism White,

et present the DISTAD assistant at Kwajalein, whcm you

probably rezember well, was elso very helpful.
bexes which had been shipped in custody.

The Wavy flew ug to Mejuro on the 12th.

He had our three medical

Dr. John Iamen, the medical

practitioner who has taken Dr. Aicking’s place at Majuro, hed rounded up
several Fongelap people to be examined as well es a few children for height
end weight neasurements as part of the growth and develomment control grouy
These exeminetions were completed the following day.

Mr. Maynard Neas, Dr. HB. B. Macdonald and I carried out final arrangements
for the survey at Rongelap. The survey team consisted of the following

people in addition to Dr. Macdonald, Bill Scott and myself:

Dr. Ezra

Riklon, Dr. Isaac Lanwi and two technicians, Kiosen and Sabio, and in

addition, Dr. Jaffe and one of his dental techniciens went along to carry
out dental exexinations. .Mr. Nees also accompanied the group.
He went
along apparently to look into the agricultural situation on Pongelap.

sailed on the Roque, the Trust Territory cargo ship, on Wednesday morr/ ng

the 16th, arriving at Kwajelein one day later where we picked up Dr. F_ra
and our three medical boxes which contained mainly the electronic Coulter

counter eni leboretory equiment. We did not sail for Rongelap until the
afternoon of the 18th since, in view of Captain Robert's unfenilierity with
Pongelep legoon, he wished to arrive at a tine when the sun would be to his

back es ke entered the lagoon in order to steer through the coral heads,
Woen ve cropped anchor in the Lagoon off Rongelap villege on Saturday efter-

noon, Mr. heil Morris, the agriculturalist who hsd been living on the islent

for the past year, and the new megistrate (Enos) cane aborrd.

Enos indicated

thet the Fongelap people vould like to have a meeting and ask us certain
questions before commencing with the exerinations.



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