During the period 1-2 March 1954, twenty-eight Army and Air Force personnel

stationed at Rongerik Atoll in the Marshall Islands were exposed to radioactive fallout
from Shot Bravo of Operation CASTLE. The purpose of this report is to determine the
whole body gamma radiation dose received by these personnel prior to their evacuation

from the atoll, plus their organ dose commitments from internal emitters.
The gamma radiation dose is reconstructed as follows.

The radiological

environment resulting from Shot Bravo fallout is determined from time-of-arrival data

Rongerik, modeled deposition, measured decay rates, and a later reading on


Personnel activity scenarios are considered in conjunction with radiation

shielding factors to arrive at film badge doses on an individual basis.

Although film

badge readings are available, they relate inadequately to personnel dose.


that reflect well-specified exposures indicate good agreement with corresponding
calculated doses.

A small, but systematic, difference indicates an adjustment to the

calculated personnel doses, which are in the vicinity of 40 rem.
Organ-specific 50-year dose commitments resulting from

the large-particle

inhalation and ingestion of Bravo fallout radionuclides are calculated.

Intake of

iodine-131 is determined from the body metabolism of iodine that led to a measured
activity of 1-131 in a pooled urine sample taken 17 days after Bravo. The radionuclide
inventory for the time of intake is normalized to the level of I-131 activity, thereby

indicating the full intake of radioactivity. Large-particle dose conversion factors for
each radionuclide are developed for calculation of internal dose commitments to each

The calculated thyroid dose is 190 rem, and intestinal dose is as great as

76 rem. Other organ doses do not add significantly to the external gamma dose.

Select target paragraph3