intakes, the implication on excretion fraction on D+17 is considerable.

For stable

iodine, 6.4 x 107+ is excreted on D+17, as deduced from ICRP-30, Part |, and as used

by Brookhaven. Application of the revision in Part 3 leads to a 9.3 x 107+ excretion on

As the implied initial body burden is inversely proportional to this excretion

fraction, the Brookhaven estimate is consequently overstated by 44 percent.

Thus is

explained the dominant difference between the Brookhaven and the present determinations of initial 1-131 body burden, per unit of activity excreted on D+17.


The total dose to each organ is the sum of the external and internal dose


For consideration of risk assessment, the long-term aspect of certain

dose commitments must be included. However, the important contributions of internal

dose to the total dose of the Rongerik personnel were only for organs in which the
internal dose is rapidly accrued. Approximate total values are 230 rem to the thyroid,
115 rem to the lower large intestine wall, 85 rem to the upper large intestine wall, and
about 40 to 50 rem to all other organs.


Select target paragraph3