spatial (horizontal) distribution in the nuclear cloud.
lateral diffusion of the cloud.

A correction is applied for

For an increase in cloud area in direct proportion to

time, the concentration of fallout particles is inversely proportional to time. The rate

of deposition with time (T) is of the form:
eT” 1 ,-a(T-b)


Parameters a and b are chosen to match the meter reading of 100 mR/hr at 7.9 hours
and for the central 90 percent of the deposition to occur in 5 hours. The normalization
to total deposition is provided by c. Fallout accumulated through time t is represented

by the time integral of the above expression.

The choice of the lower limit of

integration is not crucial; the observed time of fallout onset is satisfactory.


complete expression for intensity with time is then:

1, = 6271791? «3.09 ft

-1 ,--23(T-11.6)



Figure 2 depicts this relationship, which serves as the basis for the dose calculations.
The peak intensity of 7 R/hr occurs at the end of the estimated interval of significant

fallout (9 to 14 hours).

Personnel Activities on Rongerik Atoll, 1-2 March 1954
After being evacuated to Kwajalein, each person who was on Rongerik was

interviewed to determine his specific activities during the period 1 March until
evacuation on 2 March.

Other pertinent data concerning their exposure conditions

were also obtained such as clothing

worn, food and drink consumed, and their

recollection of what the fallout resembled.

A synopsis of all of these interviews

(Reference 3) is used in reconstructing the radiation exposure estimates in this

Seventeen of the interviews were in





individuals' activities during the exposure period could be fairly well established on an
hour-to-hour basis.

For intervals without specified activities, reasonable assumptions

are made that high-side the calculated radiation doses.
example of the information available and
reconstruct the dose for one individual.

The Appendix contains an

the procedure employed in



Select target paragraph3