


k= -0.815

48 <t<480hrs

k= -1.50

Figure 1 depicts this decay in comparison to pr i2 decay.

A variable decay of this

type is consistent with the presence of Np-239 (t, =56 hr) and U-240 (ty=14 hr),
significant neutron-activation products of the U-238 in a thermonuclear device.
Because fallout decay rate data on Rongerik Atoll are not available, dose
calculations for. the military personnel on Rongerik are made using the measured decay

rates on Bikini and the measured radiation intensity on Rongerik Atoll (280 mR/hr at
D+9 days).

In addition, the radiation environment during fallout deposition must be

more explicitly defined.

From the gamma background monitoring instrument on

Rongerik, the time of arrival of measurable fallout from Bravo has been determined to
be 1407 hours, or 7.4 hours after the shot. The radiation time-intensity recordings on
Bikini indicated that, once fallout began, a period of 1-2 hours elapsed while fallout
was occurring before the radiation levels reached a maximum and began to decay,

even though fallout was still continuing (Reference 7).

Other data were obtained

aboard three Task Force 7.3 ships that were positioned at various distances downwind

the Bravo GZ.

On one of these ships--the



approximately 7 hours after detonation, about the time of arrival on Rongerik.


GYPSY data indicated that at least 4 hours of significant fallout occurred. The exact
duration cannot be determined because ship washdown procedures were initiated while
the intensity was still increasing.

The data indicate, however, that at locations

downwind from Bikini, the time to maximum intensity was somewhat longer than it
was on Bikini. Based on these data, a five-hour period of significant fallout deposition
is used to characterize the radiation environment on Rongerik.

It is assumed that 90

percent of the fallout, by mass, was deposited during this interval.

Select target paragraph3