The island complex and separate islands along the northern and alang
the southern rim of the Atoll should be cleared of contaminated scrap
metal, These would include the Aomen-Odrik complex, Iroij, Nam,
Enidrik, and the Aerokoj-Enenan complex. The level of effort desired
is the complete removal of all scrap metal’on or near the surface of
these islands. The final disposition of this material should be such
that it is unavailable to the ceturning population.


Undamaged or lightly damaged concrete bunkers should be left in place
throughout the Atoll, These are judged to provide a benefit to the

returning population as shelter against storms and temporary residence

for short periods at locations where no other buildings exist.

observed levels of radiation in reinforcements of bunkers can be

expected to be reduced at the
in adjacent soil, The bunker
repaired such that no further
steel doors should be removed


same rate or possibly faster than levels
with iron aggregate on Aomen should be
flaking of the iron can occur. The
from all bunkers to prevent accidental

Rusting climbing rungs, stairways, and any protruding

steel on the outside or inside of bunkers should be cut off with
disposal along with contaminated debris, with the exception of the
large diagonal structural members on the large bunker on Aerokoj which
should be left in place. The damaged bunker at the end of the sand
island west of Nam should be removed because of the physical hazard
it presents and because of its lack of any useful purpose. For the
sand island bunker, the radiation level in the twisted steel members
is also a consideration.


The steel members protruding from concrete footings or forms on the
islands listed in 2, above should be removed for disposal, These
have no utility for native use and many of the metal members show
elevated levels of gamma radiation. Both the steel and concrete
parts should be removed.
A followup survey should be made within 12 months after return of the
population and at appropriate intervals thereafter to ensure that
no contaminated scrap has found its way into the village or work area
on Bikini or Eneu.

~ 12 =

Attachment 6

Select target paragraph3