




react quite differently.


An atmosphere of.’ suspicion and uncertainty

is likely to be generated by the activities of federal agents among

many groups of friends in colleges, universities, and in local com-


I. short, the results of requiring investigations of

candidates of fellowships will have serious repercussions throughout
the country; it will elmost certainly have a serious adverse affect
on both the atmosvhere. of our educational institutions and the outlook
of one age group of the entire nation.

Against the evil effects which we believe will probably follow
the adoption of the proposals for FBI clearance of AEC fellows, let
us Dlace the possible gains. Let us admit that without such clearance
an occasional clandestine member of the Communist party might receive

a fellowsnip.

But even the proponents of the proposals do not contend

that security will be thereby endangered, for the holder of the fellowship has no privileges in regard to classified information.

If after

completing his studies the fellow wishes to work for the government
he will be subjected quite properly to a thorough check which will
reveal his affiliations if he 14s a Communist and he will be rejected.
At the worst the government will have then spent its money on a man
who can not be used for the furtherance of the national security.
It should be noted in passing, however, that as a purely financial

matter the amount of money thus wasted on the occasional awarding of
&@ fellowshin to a member of the Communist party would be more than
offset by the additional expenses required for FBI clearance of
prospective fellowship holders. But leaving aside the question of

cost to the government, we submit the risk “Wnenavety few Communists

mmay receive training though an oven and uninvestigated fellowship

program represents &@ negligible loss, as compared to the bad effects

on the spirit of our naticn which would result from @-further coi.


extension of counterespionage methods to those of college age.


Select target paragraph3