
Under current conditions there is a potential for exposures exceeding

Federal standards through the inhalation pathway and the possibility of spread of
the contamination if access to the island is not controlled.
the current quarantine of the island.

This accounts for

Limiting all agriculture to the southern

islands ts difficult to justify because some of the northern islands are lishtly

From Tables 1-4, for example, it can be seen that limiting only

the growth of pandanus and breadfruit to the southern islands would permit all
other,substemeer agricultural practices on JANET-WILMA without the radiation
exposure criteria being exceeded.

Similarly, it is difficult to justify limiting

travel to the southern islands since the ambient gamma levels on the northern
islands do not represent a significant external exposure potential for
occasional visitation.
Option III


Return to the southern islands (ALVIN-KELTH) .

D yest ont Ae

Agriculture limited to the southern islands plus JANET-WILMA

except that pandanus and breadfruit are limited to the southem islands.

No restrictions on travel.


No restrictions on fishing.


Remove Pu contamination on YVONNE, IRENE and the SALLY burial sites.


Remove radioactive scrap.

This is one of the less expensive options in that it requires removal

of only the most seriously contaminated materials.

In practical terms, it

maximizes unrestricted use of areas of the atoll having low radioactivity
levels, leaves no hazardous legacies for the indefinite future, and permits
living patterns which, with high confidence, are expected to result in population
doses well below the recommended radiation criteria.


Select target paragraph3