1376, (4.5 cm) in the residential areas has little effect since that action

influences only the external gamma dose.

Removal of successive 15 cm layers

of soil in the subsistence agricultural areas, however, may reduce the bone

dose by significant amounts.

Removal of the top 15 cm layer, for example,

may reduce the 30 year bone dose from 57 Rem to 19 Rem, while removal of an

additional 15 cm may bring the dose down to 10.7 Ren.
Since soil removal-vs-bone dose reduction would possibly be most effective
for pandanus and breadfruit, a variation on the estimates of Table 9 may be

obtained by preferentially stripping soil in areas where these trees are
to be grown.

For caseint, for example, if pandanus and breadfruit are

grown in the subsistence agricultural areas only in sections from which 15 cm
of soil have been removed, the resulting bone dose may drop from 57 Rem to .
29.7 Rem (i.e., 57-39.1 + 11.8).

If an additional 15 cm layer is removed,

the dose may drop to 23.7 Ren.
Bovaaatin that wan
The maximum dose meauetien ta can be

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through importation of clean soil from the southern islands or from

outside the atoll.

90. concentrations in the average profile(Table 6)

do not get as low as those on the southern islands even at a depth of
180 cm.

To achieve this maximum effect, however, sufficient clean soil has

to be imported to encompass the entire root system of the mature trees and
the water supply for these crops must not have 90... levels higher than those
found in the southern islands.

Any replacement soil should be coarse and

Such soil is less likely to pie away or wash away.

Given these

conditions, the 57 Rem bone dose of case may be reduced to 18.9 Rem
(57-39.1 + 2.1 (0.45)

(the 2.1 Rem from Table 241 and 0.45 from Table 243

of NVO-140).


Select target paragraph3