(Mr. Glennan, consulted on the following day, advised of his concurrence

in the above action.)

Production Accelerator Project

The Commission resumed consideration of the MK, I linear accelerator
project and of additional information received by letter from the California

Research and Development Company (see Appendix **B’’ to subsequently

circulated AEC 294/25),

Mr. Derry pointed out that the estimated costs of cancellation of MK,

I! procurement orders had increased and he commented on the estimated

delay of approximately one month in the MK, I construction schedule and
difficulties which might well occasion further delay to the extent that a
final decision to proceed with construction of the MK, IT machine could not
be made until April 1, 1952. In view of these changes and in consideration
of the inherent unpredictabllity associated with construction and prove-out
of the MK. I, the staff proposed to recommend that further work be limited
to continuation of rescarch, development, design, and engineering on the
MK. IJ and preliminary engincering work at the Weldon Spring site. Place-~ment of procurement orders for the MK, I and other than site engineering
activity at Weldon Spring would, under this proposal, be deferred pending a
clearer picture of developments in the MK. Il program. It was further
proposed that a review of the progress of the MTA project at least every
30 days be made to enable the Commission to take advantage of any early
results from experience with the MK, I and autherize MK. I procurement
and further site work as appropriate.
There was discussion of the revised MK, I construction and prove-out
schedules; of the nature and extent of data which would call for initiation
of MK. If procurernent and site activity at a later date and of the ultimate

use to which the MK. II, if authorized, should be put.

There was discussion also of the status of the MK, IZ project on which
Mr. Derry said, in answer to questions by the Commissioners, the preliminary theoretical work being done at the Radiation Laboratory represented
the total effort which could be made without interference to MK, land MK, If

After further discussion, the Commission:

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Select target paragraph3