MOT TS tr ema P.L. 88-485} LAWS OF 88TH CONG.—2ND SESS, Aug, 22 PACIFIC ISLANDS TRUST TERRITORY—CLAIMS a PUBLIC LAW 88-485; 78 STAT, 598 (H. R. 1988) An Act to provide for the settlement of claims of certain residents of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Isiands. Be itenacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America inCongress assembled, That: The Congress hereby assumes compassionate responsibilily to compensate inhabitants in the Rongelap Atoll, in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, for radiation exposures sustained by them as a result of a thermonuclear detonation at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954. Sec. 2. There is authorized to be appropriated for such purpose out of the Treasury of the United States the sum of $950.000 to be expended by the Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the ‘“‘Secretary”’) in the manner hereinafter provided. After deducting the amount provided for in section 5 hereof, the Secretary shali pay the remainder in equal amounts to each of the affected inhabitants of Rongelap, except that (a) with respect to each such inhabilant who has died before receipt of such payment, the Secretary i : | shall pay such sum to the heirs or legatees of such inhabitant, and (b) with respect to any such inhabitant who is less than tweniy- caper Tine ainta reutenteetalee tteletedarter one years of age or who has been adjudged incompetent or insane, W payment shall be made, in the discretion of the Secretary, to a parent, relative, other person, or institution for his benefit, See. 38. The Secretary shall give advice concerning prudent finan: cial management to each person receiving a payment pursuant to this Act, to the end that each such person will have information as to methods of conserving his funds and 4s to suitable objects fur which such funds may be expended. Sec..4. .A payment made under the provisions of this Act shall he in full settlement and discharge of all claims against the United States arising out of the thermonuclear detonation on March 1, 1954. Sec. 5. The Secretary is authorized to pay reasonable attorney fees for legal services rendered on behalf of the people of Ronyelap prior to the date of enactment of this Act. Sach fees shalt be pain out of the funds authorized to be appropriated in section 2 of this Act, but the total of such fees paid shall not exceed % per center of the appropriated funds. Sec. 6. The decisions of the Secretary in carrving out the pre | visions of this Act shall be final and not subject to review. Approved August 22, 1964, ' ODE, Chie Conan Ven bot Hie °° J— Gt. Lehi ~ on Sree plate Ki Tl ae “Xe / . aeNYTEPETNeeETRREg ISETOUITTOEEEEDENIEBT LRTTEBEE fe