tion and Health Physics Department; Dr. V.P.
Bond, Chairman of the Medical Department, and
others in this departmentincluding Drs. D.D. Van

Slyke, E.P. Cronkite, J.S. Robertson, S. Cohn,
L.K. Dahl, H.A. Johnson, H. Cottier, and Mr. A.

Finn and Mr. W. J. Walsh.
Wewish also to thank Miss B.R. Brezisky for

hersecretarial assistance and Mrs. M. Dienesfor

editorial help.

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14. BrumBerc, B.S., BERNANKE, A.D., AND ALLISON,

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20. Conarp, R.A., An attempt to quantify someclinical
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25. Conarp, R.A., Indirect effect of x-irradiation on
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