of the reacting antigen was under genetic control.

Individuals with a dominant gene designated Ag'

in single or double dose (genotypes 4g'/4g',
ig! lg) were reactors [phenotype Ag(a+)| and
those homozygous for the recessive allele Ag non-

reactors [Ag(a —)|. The antigen or antigens that

react with the antibodies present in the serum of
the frequently transfused patient are serum low
density 8-lipoproteins.'* A serum from a second
patient /
), the New York antiserum, wasalso
found to react with a low density f-lipoprotein.
Preliminaryfamily studies indicated that reactors

were homozygous or heterozygous for a second

gene, while nonreactors were homozygousfor the
alternate recessive allele. Immunologic, genetic,

and population studies showed that the lipoproteins
selected by the two antisera were antigenically
distinct and controlled bydifferent genes.'*
“Sera collected from the inhabitants of Rongelap
Atoll in 1962 were tested with both the C.deB.
fanti-Ag(a+)] and the New York antisera. The
total results compared with those on several other
populations are shownin Table 22. There is a
much higher frequency of C.deB. antiserumreactors and a much lowerfrequency of New York
antiserumreactors in the Rongelap population
than in U.S. whites and Negroes. The reasons for
these differences are not known, but maydepend
on differences in past or present selective forces
which affect the balance of the polymorphisms.
Because of the lower frequency of New York
anuserum reactors, the Rongelap population was
useful for family studies. From these studies it was
tentatively concluded that reactors with the New
York antiserumwere either homozygousor heterazygous tor a dormant gene, and nonreactors were
homozygous for its alternate allele.”
Rodiochemical Analyses of the Urine. Determinations of body burdens of gamma emitting
isotopes (principally Cs'’? and Zn"*) by wholebody gamma spectroscopy were not done during
the past two surveys. Data in 1961, by that technique, indicated that the body burdens of Cs'*"

were not significantly different from those of two

vears before, and Zn levels had dropped by a
factor of about 10. It was decided, therefore, to
defer whole-body counts until the 1965 survey.
Results of radiochemical urine analyses for Cs'*‘
and Sr” on 38 urine samples for 1963 and 27 samples for 1964 are presented in Tables 23 and 24.
The data are divided into the following groups:

S00 6029

exposed and unexposed of ages C15 and >15
years, living on Rongelap, Ebeye, and Utirik.

Sr’ urine levels for 1963 and 1964 have not increased over the 1962 levels. In 1962, the mean

Sr’" values from the individual adult 24-hr sam-

ples were 12.45 pC/l or 114 pC/g Ca. From these

values, on the basis of previous calculations," '”
the body burden was estimated as 12.0 mpC for
adults and 28.4 muC for children. On the same
basis, the estimates for 1963 body burden levels
of Sr*” are 11.3 mpC (adults) and 21.8 mpC
(children); and for 1964, 10.7 muC (adults) and
23.1 mpC (children). As shown in Table 23, the
levels of both Cs'*’ and Sr’® are lower for the
people living on the uncontaminatedisland Ebeye
at Kwajalein Atoll.
Thus the return of the Rongelap people to their
home island was reflected in annual increases to
1962 in estimated body burdens of Sr’ based on
urinary excretion values. The annual estimates in
myC for adults were as follows: 2.0 in 1958; 6.0 in
1959; 6.9 in 1961; 12.0 in 1962; 11.3 in 1963; and

10.7 in 1964. The present body burdens are about
5 to 6%(adults) to about 10% (children) of the
maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of
Sr" (200 muC) for non-industrial populations. It
appears now that equilibrium with the environmental contamination of Sr’ yO has been reached in

the people living on Rongelap Island, and the

previously estimated equilibrium value of 23 myC
will not be reached.
No bone samples were obtained from autopsy
material during the past two years for Sr®° analysis. Estimates of body burdens from previous

analyses of bone samples had shown fairly good
correlation with those obtained from urine analyses.
In view of the paucity of the previous data on

Cs'*’ urinarylevels, it is difficult to interpret the
present levels in terms of body burden. However,
the levels are generally less than the mean 1958

Cs'** urinary level of about 4 nC/I. Thisis in ac-

cord with the finding by gamma spectrographic

determinations that the whole-body burdens of
Cs'** in 1961 had notincreased.
Analyses of three coconut crabs for Sr®° and

‘Cs"" are shown in Table 25. Thoughthelevels of
Sr*° (pC/g Ca) are lower than in the crabs ana-

lyzed in 1962, they arestill sufficiently high to ne-

cessitate continuation of the ban on their consump-

tion by the people of Rongelap. It is interesting that
the Cs'*’ levels are also quite high in these crabs.


Select target paragraph3