1. The men in the Group 20 to 29 years, especially, reflect excellent

physical development.

The d value for biceps girth is 10.65 compared with

10.32 for a reference military (young) man* (A difference greater than
0.20 is highly significant).
2. By contrast, the women (ages 24.to 39) with the exception of the
arn measurements are either physically immature, or they have lost a

considerable amount of lean tissue.
The striking immaturity is reflected in the girths of hips and thigh.
The d values for these measurements are much lower than the comparable d

values for a reference woman and for the mean values for a group of American
women measured about 1937 - 1939 by the Dept. of Agriculture in connection
with garment patterns.
is noteworthy.

The relatively small size of the calf musculature

The d values for arm size compare favorably with those of

a reference woman and with those of the USDA (35-39 yr) group.


Select target paragraph3