a *

external initiator would be particularly important if hollow
eores of fissionable material were to be needed for a’ very
hifgh yield implosion-type weapon of the order of 500 kilotons
TNT equivalent, now under development.

4O, Long-life Initiator.

Several experimental initiators

have been produced Prom actinium 227, which has a half-life
many times longer than polonium 210,

the radioactive isotope

presently being used in initiators.

Additional development

work 15 required, however, before an actinium initiator can

be recommended for stockpile use.
43. High Explosives and Detonators.

The extensive re-

search and development cffort on high explosives and detonators
has produced a number of improvements,
development mentioned above.

including the cored H.E.


This development makes possible a thinner lens


for the

inner portion of

the H.E.

system, providing |




type weapons, which in turn makes possible greater compression of
the core and thus greater yield from the same amount of fissionable mitertal.


The proportion of RDX explosive in the RDX-INT

mixture can be increased, which will also give somewhat greater
compression and a corresponding increase

in yield for the new


| This technique is particularly important
in the development of implosion-type warheads for rockets and

Select target paragraph3