through inhalation.

New information on the abundance of other transuranics

in Enewetak soil and proposed new EPA guidance are reasons that all transuranic

isotopes deserve to be considered in the cleanup criteria. Consequently, the
conference made a tentative agreement subject to confirmation or change, once

the full scope is known, that the soil cleanup criteria would be considered to
apply to all transuranic isotopes.

sidered to be 238,239,240py, 24lam.

For practical purposes, these are con-

Since cleanup planning was based on

removal of soil contaminated with 239,240p, this change in definition of
cleanup criteria might mean the degree of cleanup of certain islands may be

more or less than planned in view of the fixed level of funding.

Characterization of Radiological Conditions,


done to make each island suitable for its intended use, should be completed
as expeditiously as possible. To achieve this radiological characterization

of the northern islands, it was agreed that priority for available resources

should be devoted to the survey effort for these critical islands constituting

90 per cent of the soil cleanup effort,

These resources include boat and

other JTG assets as well as DOE laboratory and analytical capability.
The specific islands of principal concern were listed as Lujor (Pearl),
Aomon (Sally), Enjebi (Janet) and Boken (Irene).
Initial survey on these

islands is completed or near completion,

Data reduction and interpretation

of survey results are in progress.
Characterization of Bokoluo (Alice),
Bokombako (Belle) and Louj (Daisy) must be also accomplished but characterization can be completed with some lesser degree of urgency. To present a
complete characterization of the work required for northern island soil
cleanup, Runit (Yvonne), and other northern islands not mentioned above,

must also be characterized.

It was estimated that the characterization

effort should be completed not later than 15 March 1978.

DOE agreed to conduct a review of its radiolological surveyand assessment
program in support of day-to-day cleanup plans and operations, DOE will
endeavor to speed up characterization of the islands and determine additional

resources that are needed to complete characterization in line with DNA
operational plans. This review should be completed not later than 17 January

Cleanup Priorities.

The basis of planning for the cleanup of individual islands

within the Enewetak Atoll shall be as shown in the land use map, Case III,

Volume I of the Environmental Impact Statement.

The use categories of the

Atoll Islands (i,e. - Major Inhabited Islands, Agricultural Islands, Visiting
and Food Gathering Islands) will be used as a basis for the degree of cleanup

that is required.

The degree of cleanup of the islands of Runit and Enjebi

will be reviewed after the characterization of all islands has been completed

and once a determination of resources required to clean all islands to their
intended use is made.

Select target paragraph3