Advisors, the members of which have been selected because of
their professional skills and their knowledge of the Eniwetok

They will provide advice and comments to the Drafting

Group as appropriate.


Judgements and recommendations prepared by the Task Group will be
Limited to radiological considerations and will include:


Identification of areas which are suitable for rehabilitation

in their current state,
Actions which provide for radiation dose reductions through
alterations of the environment, among which may be removal of
contaminated debris; agricuitural aud Land management procedures;
radiation shielding by optimized designs in structures and living
space and by covering or removing soil containing radioactivity.
Controls on living habits,

including food items to be added to

or excluded from the diet, and identifying possible restrictions on

land use.


Followup actions to be taken subsequent to cleanup and rehabilitation.

Currently available guidance on radiation protection practices, objectives, and actions appropriate to situations involving contamination
of the environment will be used by the Task Group in making its judgements
and recommendations.

Radiation Protection Guides and Protection Action

Guides of the FRC, and guidance from ICRP, and NCRP will be used.




Select target paragraph3