[9 km LOG . - | ‘VAL MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTEE> NATIONAL NAVAL MEDICAL CENTER BETHESDA 14 MARYLAND NP-19-mve Acne Ae Alg9 ana? eo? Ser: JAN 2 2 1953 Dr. Paul G. LeFevre Assistant to Chief Medical Branch Division of Biology and Medicine Atomic Energy Commission Washington 25, D. C. Dear Doctor LeFevre In reference to your letter of 15 January 1953, in which you invite me to participate in a conference on infection and immunity as factors in the reaction to whole body irradiation, I have the following comments. I personally will be available and would be desirous in — participating in this conference at the suggested time of 9:30 A.M. Friday, 20 February 1953. I suggest that an official invitation from you division be sent through my Commanding Officer, Captain Wilbur E. Kellum, Naval Medical Research Institute requesting my participation in this conference. Sincerely yours, ad oe Uwe? a - hen AP AT. oy ade E. P, CRONKITE CDR MC USN Enel: AEC Contract AT (30-1) 1276 ’ arn fe i wma e ’ _- . af Ch . Pa i ft: z : DOS ARCHIVES - a Lone i4