BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. Upton, New York 11973 4Q299 (516) 345, Medical Department FITS April 8, 1982 2108 Mr. William J. Stanley, Director U.S. Department of Energy Pacific Area Support Office P.O. Box 29939 Honolulu, Hawaii 96820 Dear Mr. Stanley, The 1982 Marshall Islands medical survey was completed on schedule and seems to have been generally successful. We examined persons in our three principal study groups (Rongelap exposed, Utirik exposed, and the Rongelap comparison group). In addition, we performed examinations for Bikinians living on Majuro atoll and for non-BNL identification card holders 15 years of age and older on Rongelap and Utirik. Sick call was also provided for indi- viduals on those two islands. The actual numbers are given below. Atoll of Examination Kwaj (Ebeye) 1. Complete exams* a. Rongelap - Ailingnae exp. b. Utirik exposed. ce Rongelap unexp.(I.D.) d. Bikinians e. other unexp.(I.D-.) f. Unexp. (> 15 yrs) 2. Sick call Total 31 9 51 -- .- Majuro Utirik 8 33 20 53 - 3 Total 18 -~ 24 57 95 95 1 + - 2 118 34 6 152 -- - 78 40 118 92 117). 252 116 577 1 -- 53 Rongelap 54 *In addition to the above examinations approximately 24 other Marshaliese were seen at Ebeye and Majuro as a result of referrals from the Marshall Island Government Hospital System. :