401789 DOE Form AD-10A (12-77) DATE: REPLY TO ATTN OF: SUBJECT: TO: jcarek - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY memorandum July 18, 1979 EV-2] ; DOCUMENT FQR THE ENEWETAK PEOPLE Ruth C. Clusen, ASEV In keeping with the policy that the Enewetak people be kept informed as to activities affecting their return to the Enewetak Atoll, we are attempting to prepare a bilingual document in which we expect to explain the radiological situation regarding Enjebi and the six "coconut" islands, including dose assessments. This will fulfill two obligations that have been given to the people: 1) In 1974 they were told that in five years. we would be able to inform them how many years they must wait before residing on Enjebi. (This was, however, prior to the decision to clean up Enjebi.} The garden plots on Enjebi and Eneu were subsequently established to assist in this dose assessment. 2) Last December, Mr. L. Joe Deal committed the Department to return in May to fully inform the people with respect to a dose assess- ment. (This meeting is now anticipated later this year.) It was considered desirable that DOE attend such a meeting prepared to present a document for the following reasons: 1) It clearly sets forth a written record that we have to the extent possible attempted to communicate with the people in their own language. (Considering the language limitations and the cultural and societal differences, this is extremely difficult.) 2) It may be hazardous to rely upon an interpreter to convey the content and meaning of the concepts and information to be imparted. In order to prepare such a document, Battelle-Northwest has been working on a draft of a document, including visual communication as well as a “written text. On June 19, Battelle staff met with Dr. Bob Kiste, cultural anthropologist specializing in the Marshall Islands and consultant to Mr. Ted Mitchell, Jack Healy and myself to discuss the content and format. As a result of that meeting, it was deemed necessary to involve additional people, including Marshallese, if the effort were to be successful.