Whyde the doctors feel our neck?
Yourthyroid glands are in your neck. The doctors feel your neck to find out if vou
have a sickness in your thyroid gland. Another wayto check yourthyroid is with a

special machine.

Thyroid Examination
Doctorsfeelyour neck tofind sickness and cure them.
‘Whatis the thyroid gland?
Yourthyroid gland does a certain kind of work in your body. Yourears allowyou
to hear, your eyes make you sce and your thyroid makes you grow normallyand
stay healthy. Because radiation affected their thyroid glands, someofthe boys in
Rongelap grewslowlyafter the fallout. In 1965, they were given special medicine
and they grownormally. If you have a
thyroid operation,it is very important
that-you take the medicine thatis given
to you. The medicine will do the same
work as yourthyroid andit will keep
you healthy.

Atke and Mike. .
Theywere sick before. They are healthy now.


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