Whydo Thave to lc examined every year?
Dociors sil do not knoweverything about radiation sickness so they are checking
you to make sure that vou are healthy. They check you every year so that if you are

sick, they can find it early and treat you. Doctor Conard’s team treat manypeople
every year, even when me sickness docs not come from radiation. The Congress of
Micronesia recommends that everyone take the examination.
Whyare some people hecoming sick now20 years after the test?
The radiation was in their bones and certain paris of their bodies such as the thyroid gland. Ductors stull don’t understand howradiation causes disease. That is why
they are checking you every year to make sure you are healthy.

Whydo vouhave to take our blood? urine?
The doctors check vour blood to fine out if you have blood disease. They check
your urine to find out if you have other diseases. For example, Dr. Conard found
some people with diabetes (sugarsickness) whichis not caused by radiation and he
was able to give them medicine. Another reason is that the urine removes radiation
from your bodyso the doctors wantto find outif youstill have radiation.
Whydo they take our blood for examination and then throw someofit away?
The doctors take your blood to studyit. They need to study your blood three or
four times so they want to make sure that they have enoughblood. It is better to
take inure blued than not cnough because if they need moore, they don’t have to stick

the needle into your arm again. You have plentyof blood so it won't hurt vou to
lose a little.

Blood Test

It is not your good blood that

is thrown away. The doctors
take cut the gond parts ofyour
blood that they needfor testing.

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