-2August 1977, however, three breadfruit trees (10-15 feet in height) were transplanted to Eneu from Bikini Islands. will be available to sample soon. If these trees survive, breadfruit We will confirm this possibility during our May 1978 trip to Bikini Atoll. The concentration of !37Cs in Eneu coconut (data attached) is higher than predicted using the limited data bank from Enewetak and is higher than the concentrations used in the dose assessment of Bikini Atoll (Dose Assessment at Bikini Atoll, W. L. Robison, W. A. Phillips and C.S. Colsher UCRL 51879 Part 5, 1977). These recent data are preliminary and additional results from both Bikini and Eneu Islands will be available in the near future. We will then reassess the concentration data, the concentration ratio data and the resulting dose predictions for Eneu Island. The results of our radiochemical analyses of ground and cistern water from Bikini and Eneu Islands collected in 1975 have been published (Noshkin, Robison, Wong and Eagle, "Evaluation of the Radiological Quality ' of the Water on Bikini and Eneu Islands in 1975" UCRL 51879 Part 4). The water from the wells and cisterns at Bikini and Eneu Islands has been resampled for analyses twice during 1977. Our available radionuclide concentration data for Eneu ground and cistern water is shown in the attached table. In addition to continuing our assessment of radionuclide concentrations in the water, during November 1977, coliform bacteria counts were measured in the water from several cisterns and groundwater sites. The results of this latteranalyses and recommendations were submitted to Dr. William Berr of DBER in December 1977 (see letter attached). 1012489