Tabulations for the islands of Rikini Atoll on the following pages will


the background gamma exposure rates as measured with a
Baird Atomic NE-148A scintillator calibrated against 137c¢>


a summary of the radiological waste removal and disposal
results of sample analyses and
when appropriate, projection of the background decay as a
function of time.

In order to estimate the expected reduction in exposure rate for the
various islands as a function of time, it was necessary to develop
weighting factors for each of the gamma emitting radionuclides identified
in the analysis of soil samples.
For purposes of this report, it was assumed that the various radionuclides

were uniformly distributed by depth throughout the soil and that the only
change in relative concentrations is due to the differential decay rates.
This is obviously an oversimplification but would tend to give conservative

The data of Crocker, Connors, and Wong


were used to indicate

the relative effect of each nuclide on the exposure rate.

Since 102Mpy

was not among the nuclides included in their tabulation, data from their

table were normalized by effective energy and number of nhotons per

disintegration and plotted.

The exposure rate factor for )°*™Rh

effective energy 0.62 Me’ was taken from this curve and corrected
for 2.96 gamma per disintegration.*

The final tabulation of the composite

exposure rate reduction was then calculated using the decay factor,
initial concentration and exposure rate weighting factor.

*Decay scheme taken from Table of the Isotopes - Ledever, Hollander, and

Select target paragraph3