‘Brigadier General Alfred D. Starbird Director, Military Application W. B. MeCool, Secretary LETTER TO THE JCAE SYMBOL: SECY: JEA 1. This will confirm my conversation with Colonel Harrell today and the decision that the JCAE should be informed of the revised shot schedule for Operation REDWING. 2, Please provide this office a copy of the letter as dispatched. Repository NARA -Collese D,- |x CoLLection AG B26 5! -SP Secv e far BOX No, /& 3 (NN 3-326 -93-016) FO LDER MR € A ce: d, Redwin neg, Vel- ZF General Manager General Counsel -Congreasional Liaison BEST COPY AVAILASLE orricep |SCCTetariatjo surnamep | DEAmmons:Gvg DATE |eeeee cele eee eeNee Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16—62761-3