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Collection Neceda ION AG7S


“Rox 413-OR4 au ig 74
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19 FH 22 3e


Mr. Stanley S. Carpenter

Director of Territorial Affairs


Department of the Interior
Washington, 0D.C. 20240

Dear Mr. Carpenter:
This will resrond to your letter of July 5, 1974, to Chairman Ray,

requesting AEC to address the saiety aspects of an early return

of a group of Enewetakese to live on DAVID (Japtan).

Detailed recommendations relating to retura and cleanup are to
be considered by the Commission about August 1, 1974, The
question you raised about some Enewetakese returning to the
Atoll before cleanup has not been addressed. The Task Group
report, which is to be the basis of the staff recornmmendations
to the Commission, does contain the following:
“The quarantine of YVONNE (Runit), put into effect by the

Air Force on May 26, i972, should be continued in effect

until the cleanup of plutonium contamination on that island
has been completed. Should any Enewetak people return
to the Atoll before cleanup is bezun or before completion,
an authority responsible for enforcement of the quarantine
should be identified and should be in residence in the Atoll
when people return, ''
As to the matter of safety for an advance party, the results of
the radiological survey show that there is no contamination on
Japtan which would present a hazard to people living there.

‘However, we would not recommend the return of people before

cleanup and certification because:


There are a number of hazerdous situations on the northern

islands and access to these islends and certain foods produced
thereon must be restricted.
Until qualified radiation monitors with proper equipment are
available, scrap and other debris should be avoided. Move-

ment of scrap which mzy be contaminated could svread

contamination to the clean islands thus necessitating
additional survey and cleanup.


peu! AV


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