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distinguished. The mean coefficients all He between 1.6 and 1.9 and unclassified biological
types vary more than do classified types.
Open~sea marine plankton can concentrate faliout activity strorgly and thercfore
should be included in fallout transport considerations and in plans for dieposal of atomic
waste. This concentration is especially significant because it appears in an organic food.
There is evidence from both beta and gamma analyses that certain plankton types
have affinities for specific isotopes.
The radioanalyses of the first two samples of contaminated oceanic zooplankton has

not demonstrated that there exists a simple relationship between the affinity of a class

of plankton toward radioactivity, and the size of food it apparently prefers to eat. There
is more variability within the classes than between these classes.
Ocesnic zooplankton appear to be very effective concentrators of materials that are

lixely to be available in a particulate form, but they may concentrate certain other

materials also, such as radiostrontium which is morelikely to be in ionic form.
There is some evidence that the retention of finely dispersed activity varles more
or less proportionally with the organism’s dry weight over a considerable range in body
size, surface area, and water content.



Select target paragraph3