representativesof EC

at Sendia Bese, Albuquerque, New Mexico, who agreed

to send their communicationsrepresentativeto JTF-7 headquarters et

D. C., to coordinate the commnicetlons requirements of thet


After arrival in Washington on 1 November 1947, numerous conferences
were held with v~ri~s interested groups, services and agencies in en
attempt to obtsin frOUIthem as many commnicetions requirements as were
yet lmown In order to include those requirements in the communications
and electronics plan and to prepare appropriateequipsmt lists fm


curement parposes. Conferenceswere held with the Chief Signal Officer
and A~Comralnic8tions Service Division in regard to equipnwnt requirements,

frequencies and engineering. Every considerationwes given to the

project by Colonel Wesley T. Guest, Chief of Army ComnunicationaService
Division, Major J. O. McLand and Captain George H. Darwin, USA. Their
assistance and cooperationwes invaluable in the many engineering,procurement, procedural and r8dio frequency assignment problems that confronted the comunicetions section.
Mr. Louis A. Hopkins arriwd on 27 October 1947 from %ndia Base
,and presented additional camunications requirements for the Atomic
Energy Coudssion.

These requirements together with those of Navy, Army
snd Air Force were consolidated in a tentetive commmicetions end

electronics plan. This plan was the basis for requisitions of commnicatlons equl~nt

and personnel from the Zone of Interior. Both the equip-

ment and personnellists were presented to Office of the Chief Sign&l
Officer for check on availabilityso thet if substitutionsproved
neceaaary, they could be made prior to submission of the firm lists
through normal channels.
Section XI


Select target paragraph3