
looated on this isl~d.

determined ~ Has-n

that the e@neers

the Prwision of pr

It hed been

would bO ~8p~8ibl@


for ell requirements. Hence the requirements

for signal co~ieetions

power mre

presented to Task Fwoe Engineer

(ColOnOl Tulley).
Inspectionof Engebi Island revealed that there was a cable
System that cotlldprobably be utilized to provide a portion of the
trunks at thet looation. Suitable buildings were
selectid in the vicinity of the air control tower. It ma

felt thet

Combining tower operationswith other Signal activitieswould result
in more economicalusage of personnel available. Impaction of
Parry Island FIJBV0810d
very few potentialitiesfrom a coummnications
standpoint. With the exception of buildings, the installation at that
looation would have to be entirely -w.
At Xmjalein Island, conferences

were held with the Island

Coumander, Ma Co5nanioation8Officer and tk Officer-in Charge of the

at that looation. Impactions were made of the joint transmitting

site and tb Joint C~ications

Center. During the discussions and

Inapeotlon it was apparent that the installationswere quite orouded
and at the limit of their power rexnxrces.

TIM inspection party

returned to Oahu on 29 October 1947.

was made of the progress


the formation of the initial

force together with the initial and aupplewntary lists of equipment
required. It was evident that the Signal.Service, UWRPAC, would be
able to furnish tk

majority of the equipmnt and supplies required


Seat50n XI

Select target paragraph3