Command and AdministrativeNet system from Los Alamos. On 2 December
1947 Dr. Froman submitted a request to the Manager, Sante Fe Directed
Operations,that the Los Alamos Tsletype Center remain open twentyfour (24) hours a day effective 1 March 1948 until completion of the
operation. The teletype routing indicatorsto be used for Atomic
lhergy Commissionmessages were coordinatedwith the Armed Forces
and promulgatedto the Atomic Energy Commission installationson 16
“ February 1948.
The Technical Net consisting of SCR-608fs installed at important
stationswithin the task force was, until 28 October 1947, planned to
be the primary intra-taskforce voice communicationsystem. The
decision to install AN/TRC-l radio telephone equipnent on the three
main ships reduced the Technical Net to a ‘back-up!!status. The
communicationrequirementsof the photographicgroupwere obtained
from Colonel Cullen on 5 November 1947, and it was decided that communications to the photo towers could best be supplied by their inclusion
in this net. The final plan for the Technical Net called for the
followi@ stations:
(1) AV-4;
(2) AV-5;
(3) AGC-7;
(4) cvwl15;
(5) LSb!?-2!ll
(6) LSM-378;
(7) Boat Pool Base (MD-19);
(f!)LCM (6) Tank Control Boat;
Section XI

Select target paragraph3