entirely too orowded to 6upport t~


station as an independentactivi*Y on *W
of M-l

Mceesitated by thi8 Cm%e


of the shore

181~nd. Additional

from the Chief

Operation in a letter dated 4 No~mber 1947. This letter

was ahoct entirelY a request for SUPplY and shippi~ of 8 modified
form of the Functional Component N2B from the M-me
Outfitting Lists liavSandAPublimtion #28.

&se Initial

Aotion on this letter

wao a~ost identical to that uhioh resulted from the letter of 24 Oot
The liste of personnel for the cable-lafing projeot were painstakingly d~wn up and then embodied in a requeot for personnel
addressed to Op-01 of the Offioe of tb

Chief of Naval Operation.

This letter was ~ted 5 Hovember 1947. The pereonnel to be ueed in
the cable-la@ng projeot were ditidod into two groups. One group
was to report to the U.S.S. MM-250 to assist that ship in cable work.
It was ccmpriaed of one officer and fifteen (15) enlisted men of th
following rates and qualifloatione:
(1) o~m
(a) one (3) Chief Boatswain,with experience similar
to that required by Code 02111.
(a] One (1) CM,
(b) =

Code 02111

(1) CQU, Code 0S111

(0) ‘ho (2) BM2, Code 02111
(d) One (1) SFl, Code 42321
(e) Ten (10) S1 or S2, Code 01090
Section XI

Select target paragraph3